Helping families achieve optimal health with Traditional Japanese Medicine.
At Bumblebee AcuTherapy, Traditional Japanese Medicine is used to help restore and rebalance the body to ideal health. Traditional Japanese Acupuncture is a 3,000-year old eastern medical treatment that involves acupuncture needles, moxibustion, and acutherapy (non-invasive) tools. The acupuncturist will stay in the room with the patient for the duration of the treatment to ensure maximum safety and efficacy of each treatment. Each treatment last between 30-60 minutes. Each treatment is specifically customized to meet the patient’s needs and comfort level.
Focus on your unique situation to individual each treatment session
Provide holistic care that integrates western treatment
Coordinate with the parent’s or child’s care team whenever possible
Offer safe and gentle Japanese AcuTherapy techniques to heal the whole person, no matter the age or stage in development
Want to learn more? Check out our blog:
Shoni-what? Why Japanese AcuTherapy is the best treatment for children!
As a parent, I often find myself deliberating over the “best” health decisions for my
Acupuncture treatment Post Covid: Why is it important and how does it help?
Well, just when we think there’s a lull in this madness, Omicron sweeps through Colorado.
Perinatal Mental Health
I am passionate that perinatal mental health should be recognized, understood, and treated in