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How Do You Moxa?

If you have visited our clinic, Bumblebee AcuTherapy, you probably smell it before you see it.  That's because Maya and I burn *copious* amounts of moxa with every treatment.  I

Perinatal Mental Health

I am passionate that perinatal mental health should be recognized, understood, and treated in the open. I treat a lot of women with acupuncture to ensure their mental health.

Do you pump? Get a Mammaway

This post is exclusively for my pumping mommas. This product is a life saver!! Check out the video below and to purchase CLICK HERE. For a 20% discount, simply watch my

It’s never too late to begin

​I don't remember where I found my favorite quote. But, I do remember it being so perfect for my life. I am a serial procrastinator. You know, the person

Crazy times!

How are you? How are your family, job, and business doing? We are living at a monumental point in history. Economies all around the world are being shut down

Spring Foward

Can you feel it? Spring is in the air! For me, this is a dreaded time of year because I know I will be losing sleep and will struggle

Acupuncture ROCKS! Japanese style vs TCM

Japanese acupuncture is so different from other styles of acupuncture. There are more tools, both hands are used, and technique is emphasized. The reason is that Japanese acupuncture developed

MOXA rocks! Japanese style vs TCM

I am completely biased. I trained so heavily in Japanese moxibustion that I, of course, love it. Still, moxa is used in other styles of acupuncture. Ever wonder how

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