Prenatal Acupuncture and Care
What does Japanese acupuncture treat during pregnancy?
- Fertility
- Morning sickness
- Body aches and pains
- Sciatica-related pain
- Round ligament pain
- Umbilical hernia-related pressure and pain
- Swelling
- Gestational diabetes complications
- Sleeping issues
- Breech positioning
- Sickness (such as colds or flu)
- Birth preparation
- Labor induction
- Postpartum care

Frequently asked questions about Japanese acupuncture and pregnancies:
How many treatments are needed? The number of treatments required depends on the individual and the issue being treated. Acute issues can often be resolved with 2-5 treatments, while chronic issues may take longer to address and require ongoing care for the best results. Typically, beginning care in your first trimester will lead to less complications and a more comfortable pregnancy.
Can acupuncture help reposition a breech baby? Yes! One thing that has been extensively studied is how acupuncture and moxibustion can help flip a breech baby. While this may sound far-fetched, acupuncture and moxibustion can align the SI joint and hips to create optimal space in the belly, while moxibustion on specific points can encourage the baby to flip through influencing uterine activity and movement. This technique can also be used to reposition transverse presentation.
The ideal time to turn a breech baby is after 28 weeks, with a higher success rate before 35 weeks. If during an ultrasound or midwife appointment the baby appears to be breech or transverse in your third trimester, come in for an appointment as soon as possible.
Is there acupuncture for labor prep? Toward the end of your third trimester, the body is actively prepping for impending labor and delivery. Labor prep appointments focus on cultivating optimal alignment, enhancing physical and mental energy, and encouraging a natural and gentle progression for the baby to arrive on time. These sessions are designed to help prepare both the body and mind for the birthing process, ensuring that the mother feels centered, calm, and strong. Acupuncture and related techniques are used to promote balance, alleviate tension, and support the body’s readiness for labor, while also facilitating the baby’s positioning and encouraging a timely, smooth delivery.
Starting at 34-35 weeks is a great time to come in for acupuncture to support you and the baby for the big push that is soon to come.
I have a high-risk pregnancy. Can I still be treated? Yes! High-risk pregnancies have the most to gain from Traditional Japanese Acupuncture. The treatment can help with a variety of complications that may arise, offering valuable support to both you and your baby. Whether you’re dealing with specific health concerns or seeking overall wellness, acupuncture can help manage many of the challenges faced during a high-risk pregnancy.
Acupuncture can be especially helpful for managing issues such as gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, preeclampsia, and edema. It can also assist in reducing stress and anxiety, which can be elevated during a high-risk pregnancy. By supporting the body’s natural balance, acupuncture helps to improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote better sleep, all of which contribute to a healthier pregnancy and smoother labor, with less medical intervention or c-section outcome. The treatment is gentle and can be tailored to address the specific needs of both the mother and the baby throughout the pregnancy.