Our Blog
How Do You Moxa?
If you have visited our clinic, Bumblebee AcuTherapy, you probably smell it before you see it. That's because Maya and I burn *copious* amounts of moxa with every treatment. I often wonder
Shoni-what? Why Japanese AcuTherapy is the best treatment for children!
As a parent, I often find myself deliberating over the “best” health decisions for my children- what should/shouldn’t my kid eat, what products I should avoid, when I should call the pediatrician
Acupuncture treatment Post Covid: Why is it important and how does it help?
Well, just when we think there’s a lull in this madness, Omicron sweeps through Colorado. Regardless of vaccinations, masking, and social distancing, covid is still running rampant around the world. I
Perinatal Mental Health
I am passionate that perinatal mental health should be recognized, understood, and treated in the open. I treat a lot of women with acupuncture to ensure their mental health. I personally
What YOU NEED TO KNOW about your health and the health of your pregnancy
There are several things that I feel are important to know about during your pregnancy to ensure your health and that of your babies. NUMBER 1: SLEEP As an acupuncturist, I
It’s never too late to begin
I don't remember where I found my favorite quote. But, I do remember it being so perfect for my life. I am a serial procrastinator. You know, the person who always